Dec 16-26, 2018, Aceh, Indonesia
Dec 16-26, 2018, Aceh, Indonesia
Dec 16-26, 2018, Aceh, Indonesia
Dec 16-26, 2018, Aceh, Indonesia
Dec 16-26, 2018, Aceh, Indonesia
Dec 16-26, 2018, Aceh, Indonesia
Aceh, is the location of the earthquake and tsunami that occurred on the Sumatra in 2004, and also Tohoku, which is the location of the 2011 earthquake and tsunami disaster. Since 2013, The Laboratory for Grobal Dialogue, which is a non-profit organization, organized activities that connect the two areas with "Project Cooperation between Disaster Areas of the Aceh, Indonesia and Tohoku". From 2017 this activity developed and changed into "Aceh-Japan Community Art Project" and the Aceh Community Art Consortium was established in Aceh.
Last year the community art in Japan was introduced by Japanese artists through various activities. This year we don't have the art director but planning and ideas come from public. From Aceh, Malaysia and Japan we got 17 projects. They will be held for 11 days until the 14th Tsunami commemoration on December 26, 2018.
When talking about "art" you may imagine painting or sculpture. However, "art" that we do is bigger and broaderless. People who do not have the skill or knowledge of art or people who do not have an interest in art can participate in these activitiese. Through various ways and courage, the projects show you the history or problems that exist in two countries. We are waiting for you!
The project is impeccable art collaborations between Kampung Dongeng, Doodle Art Aceh and Cahaya Bintang Kecil publishing trying to present unspoken, sequent stories about Acehnese political or military conflict and Tsunami to Acehnese children by drawing on Doodle art, 14-meter canvas media, creating short story and making Diorama.
➢ Pardi Karliza (Project’s Representative and Coordinator)
➢ Nur Syafiqa Mufida (Doodle Art Artist and Teaching and Drawing Doodle Art Project Organizer)
➢ Siti Nurhidayah S.Pd, M.Sc (14-Metered Canvas Drawing Project Organizer)
➢ Gebrina Rahmatika (Earthquake and Diorama Project Organizer)
➢ Novi Yanza (Telling Acehnese Political and Tsunami Story Project Organizer)
➢ Nurhafni S, Pd (Writing Story of Acehnese Political Conflict and Tsunami Project Organizer)
➢ Intan Fadhilah (Doodle Art Artist and Project Co-Organizer)
➢ Aria Putra (Doodle Art Artist and Project Co-Organizer)
➢ Rizqa Fajria (Doodle Artist and Project Co-Organizer)
➢ Nufus Zakiah (Writing Story of Acehnese Political Conflict and Tsunami Project Co- Organizer)
Telling Stories, Teaching and Drawing History of Conflict and Tsunami by using Doodle Techniques (Saturday, December 22, 2018)
Telling Story of Acehnese Political Conflict & Tsunami and Drawing on 14-Metred Canvas (Sunday, December 23, 2018)
Writing and Drawing Political Conflict, Tsunami Story and Creating Tsunami Diorama Competitions (Tuesday, December 25, 2018)
➢ Rumôh Acéh (Acehnese Traditional House) or (Tsunami Museum) for Telling Stories, Teaching and Drawing History of Conflict and Tsunami by using Doodle Techniques.
➢ Tsunami Museum or PLTD Apung for Writing and Drawing Political Conflict, Tsunami Story and Creating Tsunami Diorama Competitions.
➢ Blang Padang or PLTD Apung for Telling Story of Acehnese Political Conflict & Tsunami and Drawing on 14-Metred Canvas
➢ Telling and recalling Acehnese people about histories and memories about political or military conflict and Tsunami disaster in order to learn from it and create resolutions.
➢ Promoting immortal peace by immersing conflict, Tsunami stories and experiences in Doodle art to express or utter unspoken words into interesting and fun ways of Doodle art drawings.
➢ Preserving Acehnese history, identity and culture that constantly, unconsciously disappear in the community because people have lack of knowledge in comprehending cultures and identities that essentially based on religion value.
➢ Bringing people in community in one of projects providing media where everyone can deliberately have a sense of togetherness in creating an impeccable art work.
➢ Collaborating Acehnese artists and other people to share each other’s stories and create their hand-made arts in the versions of Diorama and Story books
6. CONTENT The project is impeccable art collaborations between Kampung Dongeng, Doodle Art Aceh and Cahaya Bintang Kecil publishing trying to present unspoken, sequent stories about Acehnese political or military conflict and Tsunami to Acehnese children by drawing on Doodle art, 14-meter canvas media, creating short story and making Diorama
"Oshiruko dream art project is a mixing project of mini workshop and exhibition which collaborate with pesawat kertas aceh community. The theme of this project is " the art of painting on used cans".
During the workshop, the participants will be served oshiruko/ Japanese traditional sweet while writing their dreams on the paper which then folded to be paper airplanes.
The participants' art works and their dream paper airplanes will be exhibit at tsunami museum on desember 17-26 2018 together with open donation of used papers by pesawat kertas aceh community"
1. Title of the artwork or art project
Oshiruko Dream Art Project
2. Name of artist or team
• Nurul Fitri
• Fereni Nurissalami
• Vidia Ismiulya
• Pesawat Kertas Aceh community
3. Schedule
Date : December 16, 2018
Time : 09.00-13.00
Run Down :
09.00-09.20 Opening and delivering speech by the chief committee
09.20-09.40 Delivering speech by the chief of pesawat kertas community about Recycling waste
09.40-09.50 Distributing the painting tools for children
09.50-10.00 Dividing the children to small groups and get the mentor
10.00-12.00 Painting activity is started for about two hours
12.00-12.10 The children wash their hand and clean up the drawing tools
12.10-12.35 The children Enjoy oshiruko while writing their messages and dreams on origami paper and fold them into paper planes.
12.35-13.00 Closing and taking pictures
Date: December 17, 2018- December 26, 2018
Activity: The children's work and their paper planes’ dream will be exhibited at the Tsunami Museum.
Date : December 23, 2018
Activity: The orphanage children’s visit Tsunami Museum to see their exhibited work and enjoy other activities that held there.
4. Venues
- Mini work shop: Nirmala Orphanage (Nyak Makams st No.33, Lambhuk, Ulee Kareng, Banda Aceh)
- Exhibition of children’s works: Tsunami Museum
5. Aim
This project will be held on Nirmala Orphanage and the participants are 30 children age 11-15 Years old.
The aim of this project is to improve children’s painting skills and awareness of the many art ideas that they can create from used goods around them. These used goods can be processed into versatile goods that have selling value.
6. Contents /About 40 words for flyer /for website "Oshiruko dream art project is a mixing project of mini workshop and exhibition which collaborate with pesawat kertas aceh community. The theme of this project is " the art of painting on used cans". During the workshop, the participants will be served oshiruko/ Japanese traditional sweet while writing their dreams on the paper which then folded to be paper airplanes. The participants' art works and their dream paper airplanes will be exhibit at tsunami museum on desember 17-26 2018 together with open donation of used papers by pesawat kertas aceh community"
In this project, there are several processes of looking for ideas before making furniture design based on biomimicry approaches. The processes that will be used is to determine the subject matter from nature, draw up for ideas and build the small-scale models.
Furniture Designing Through The Biomimicry Approach
Mereka bentuk perabot melalui pendekatan Biomimicry
16 – 26 December 2018
18– Dec - 2018
Topic: “Biomimicry Design innovation” (10 am – 11 am)
Workshop 1: What is your subject matter ? (11 am – 1 pm)
Workshop 2: Searching your subject matter 2pm-4pm
19- Dec -2018
Workshop 3: Design Development (10 am -1pm)
Workshop 4: Design development (2pm – 4 pm)
20- Dec - 2018
Topic: Bio-Inspired Design thourgh Kansei (10 am – 11 am)
Workshop 5: Design Development (11-1pm)
Worksho 6: model making (scale model mock-up) (2-4pm)
21- Dec -2018
Topic: “ how is the relationship between art and business changing “
(10 am – 11 am)
Workshop 7: model making (scale model mock-up) (11-1pm)
Workshop 8: model making (scale model mock-up) (2-4pm)
22 – Dec - 2018
Workshop 9: model making (scale model mock-up) (10-1pm)
Workshop 10: model making (scale model mock-up) (2-4pm)
23 – Dec -2018
Workshop 11: model making (scale model mock-up) (10am-1pm)
(last touch up for Exibition)"
Museum Tsunami Aceh
To conserve natural resources by helping the local community to use the design process modeled in producing furniture designs in scale modeling through biomimicry approach. The aims of this project is to understand and preserve the nature in aceh with uniqe subject matter.
In this project, there are several processes of looking for ideas before making furniture design based on biomimicry approaches. The processes that will be used is to determine the subject matter from nature, draw up for ideas and build the small-scale models.
Conducting a small art exhibition about Japanese Traditional Doll, Teru-Teru Bozu. This exhibition will be fill with its history, photos and pictures, handmade commercial souvenir, and a dozen of Teru-Teru Bozu itself as display. The visitors also can involve creating their own Teru-Teru Bozu.
1. Title of the artwork or art project:
“Teru-Teru Bozu's White Corner”
2. Name of artist or team:
Titie Thalsania
Riki Muhamanda
Vida Yani
Cut Misria
Juwita Ulfa
Syarifah Hudiya
Syarifah Salsabila
Aulia Nashari
Ikral Cinta Suci
Cut Suci Mustika
3. Schedule:
16-26 December 2018, 9.30 a.m – 5.00 p.m.
4. Venues:
In Museum Tsunami, precisely on a corner of a room
5. Aim :
To promote one the Japanese traditional doll (Teru-Teru Bozu) for the Acehnese community through an interesting small exhibition. Besides, there will also sell handmade souvenirs which all of the proceeds from the sale will be donated for the victims of Tsunami disaster in Palu.
6. Contents:
Conducting a small art exhibition about Japanese Traditional Doll, Teru-Teru Bozu. This exhibition will be fill with its history, photos and pictures, handmade commercial souvenir, and a dozen of Teru-Teru Bozu itself as display. The visitors also can involve creating their own Teru-Teru Bozu.
There will be several traditional Acehnese, Gayonese, and Japanese costumes. In addition, there will be special costumes mixing the costume pattern of Aceh, Gayo, and Japan. Those are available for male and female. The costume wearers can upload their photos to Instagram to get merchandises. However, they should put the following hashtag, #AcehJapanCommunityArtProject
1. Title of the artwork or art project
“Traditional Acehnese & Japanese Costume Gallery”
2. Name of artist or team
Ranti Maulya
Kamarullah Gani
Fenny Wiska
Noni Ranggayoni
Muhammad Arif Fadhilah
3. Schedule
①December 16
②December 22
③December 23
4. Venues
Museum Tsunami Aceh
5. Aim
Inviting local and international people attending the workshop to deeply acknowledge the culture of Aceh and Japan, particularly the traditional costume. By wearing the costime, they are expected to be proud toward the uniqueness of traditional costume of Aceh and Japan.
6. Contents
There will be several traditional Acehnese, Gayonese, and Japanese costumes. In addition, there will be special costumes mixing the costume pattern of Aceh, Gayo, and Japan. Those are available for male and female. The costume wearers can upload their photos to Instagram to get merchandises. However, they should put the following hashtag, #AcehJapanCommunityArtProject
giving education lessons Drawing Forms and Painting
1.Title of the artwork or art project:
Artist Lecturing
2. Name of artist
Restu Wardana
3. Schedule:
1-2 Dec
4. Venues:
Sakura House
5. Aim:
developl art talent by educating children who have sense in the arts.
This activity will held in series in the 2018 Aceh Japan community art project. This activity is an artist's concern in developing children's talents to be able to build creativity in the arts. And also introducing Sakura House to its function.
6. Contents:
giving education lessons Drawing Forms and Painting
Children living in Aceh, Tohoku is going to have "Global dialogue" telling their story, listening other's story, and asking question and answer to know each other through internet video calling.
We can't wait that what kind of story is going to happen!!
The exhibition of art work by over 30 people almost with disabilities in Japan and Aceh. "Art Inclusion" is the activities of art in Sendai, Japan.
Shoot the currently activity of Bundiyah at ship above the house site, her job, her daily activity and also interview about her tsunami story.
We saw a girl whose grandfather was a Japanese soldier. We start to make a documentry. Through personal history we will see the common history between Indonesia and Japan.
The interim report of this documentary is exhibited.
Lamno has a big point as a tourist destination, especially Mount Geurutee and some islands around. Many visitors only come to enjoy the nature sight, but less people know that there are many demaged building that still exist. By combining elements of disaster and tourism, this video might be shown to the wider community as one of disaster locations to remember. On the other hands. this project could be one of the ways to introduce Lamno as a disaster tourism location in addition to Banda Aceh.
1. Title of the artwork or art project
Video Documentary at Lamno
2. Name of artist or team
Abdul Muthalib
Atsushi Kadowaki
Makiko Nakagawa
3. Schedule
Dec 16-26
4. Venues
Museum Tsunami Aceh
5. Aim This project aims to make a documentary video that shows the area or the former Tsunami disaster that still exist. In addition, this video also includes elements of Tsunami victims, art, culture, traditions, and natural beauty after14 years of the Tsunami in Aceh
6. Contents
Lamno has a big point as a tourist destination, especially Mount Geurutee and some islands around. Many visitors only come to enjoy the nature sight, but less people know that there are many demaged building that still exist. By combining elements of disaster and tourism, this video might be shown to the wider community as one of disaster locations to remember. On the other hands. this project could be one of the ways to introduce Lamno as a disaster tourism location in addition to Banda Aceh.
We produce and release a CD indluding 10 songs with the theme of Tsunami and exchanges between Aceh and Japan. We also have music stage as an opening event for "Aceh-Japan Community Art Project 2018".
It is a film festival like watching TV at warung kopi. Please send us videos you took. If you can, please come and watch your video together! Contact us in English: .
project aims for the Cross Culture Undertanding of Aceh and Japan about art, culture and environment we will present the ratoeh jaroe and soran bushi dance and make creativity trash can competition with the children's. Located in Bulisc school in Meulaboh.
1 Title of the artwork or art project
Cross Culture of Aceh and Jepang
2 Name of artist or team
Maulida Rahma, Ambassador of Tourism and Environtment of West Aceh, FAJ members and Zulfriansyah Sensei, and (Bustanul ulum islamic schol) Bulisc Students and staff. The coach of Dancer : Widya Sophiana and Cut Delsi
3 schedule
The highlight of the event is Sunday, December 9th 2018. 2 weeks before we had started to learning dance with the students. And also a week before, we also held the creativity competition to make trash cans from cardboard recycling.
4 venues
The located is in the school of bulisc (Bustanul ulum islamic schol) Meulaboh.
5 Aim
this project aims for the Cross Culture Undertanding of Aceh and Japan about art, culture and environment related to Aceh and Japan
6 Contents
At this event Tourism Ambassadors socialized West Aceh object destination and Japan object destination and also the history of the two countries ... for that there was a cross culture understanding ... we taught Acehnese dances .. Dance ratoeh jaroe or liko pulo represented Acehnese dance and Soran Bushi representing Japanese dance ... we will present the 2 dances at the top event ... at the same time of the prize distribution about the environmental competition. Which was carried out by ambassadors of the environment in making creativity competition to make trash cans from cardboard recycling
Noera, a student in Aceh, dreams of opening a restaurant. This is a project whose dreams come true through "Warung Kapal”. Menu: chicken teriyaki, chicken rica-rica, aceh-japan ocean squash and mochi ice cream
Labi-Labi Art Tour is going to take you to Aceh-Japan community Art Project sites that Aceh Artists create!!
You can enjoy to communicate with us, and hope learn something each other!
Menyiarkan program acara, isi acara, detail kegiatan serta interkasi dengan pemirsa dan quiz berhadiah.